It's Hard to Live so Far Apart - Portraits Make it a Little Easier!

January 07, 2013  •  1 Comment

During the first few weeks of 2013 I'll blog the MANY client sessions I didn't find the time to blog in 2012.  So many children, families and seniors made my job fun and affirmed my decision to go into business this year!  But, before I get to that, I'm sharing an image that reminds me why photography - your own snapshots or the portraits you hire me to create - are SO important. 

This adorable couple is my niece and nephew.  They live in Baton Rouge and, if I'm lucky, I see them 2x a year.  Haleigh has to be introduced to me all over again each time she sees me and Caden knows I am "Aunt Cole" but doesn't have the warm and fuzzy attachment to that name he would have if I was a constant presence.  (I'm not blaming my sister and BIL for this at all - it's just a fact, and I think my sister would say the same about my children).  So, when we do get to spend time together, I take lots of candid shots and also try very hard (although rarely successfully) to have a portrait session with Caden, Haleigh and my kids.

In June we traveled to Baton Rouge and at the end of the week we made the kids get out of the pool, take baths and put on good clothes.  Then we put them in the car and drove 20 minutes to get to the Campus of Louisiana State Univ. (at dinner time), all the while telling them to sit still and not mess up their clothes.  Then we got them out of the car and made them pose and smile, without exploring, while I chased the fading daylight with my camera.  A good time was not had by all.  The kids were tired, hungry and cranky.  My mom and sister were worried about the kids stepping/sitting in fire ant piles; and I felt pressure for "the shot" because we waited until the last night of vacation to try this! 

As I reviewed the session at home, I was discouraged because none of the shots of my own children were good (you are a photographer's children, darn it - I should not have to tell you how to behave in front of the camera!).  My nephew turned out to be a pretty good model, but his sister (who had just turned 2) wouldn't cooperate without a fruit snack in her mouth (I did try to tell my sister that those were not the best treats to bring but . . . )

My mom was desperate for 1 shot of all 4 kids that she could hang on her wall, and we really didn't get it.  Just to be real with you: I may be able to work wonders with your family and produce gasp worthy portraits for your wall, but my own children could care less about what the woman behind the camera wants and my sister and mother forget that I am a professional and feel the need to run the shoot and the children.  I've already told them to hire someone else next year:)

BUT THEN!  Oh, but then I opened the next to last file and found this!  It was spontaneous and I wasn't sure I had clicked the shutter at the right time, but I did!!!  This made all the rest worth it (maybe) and has become a cherished photo for me, because I had to work hard for it; because these are my sister's babies and I love them; because even though I can't see them very often, I can look at this photograph and remember, and look forward to a day when they will not only call me "Aunt Cole" but also feel like I am their aunt. 

This is my favorite personal photo of 2012:Front Porch Photography Children LSU This is also my entry for Rock the Shot's "Favorite Shot of 2012"!  See more of them at

Rock the Shot


Vickie Hash(non-registered)
Too precious, and I certainly understand why this photo is your favorite. Sisters have a special bond, and that bond seems to carry over to their children, who become our "other children." At least that's the way my sister and I feel about each other's kids.
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