Looking back

March 07, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

My journey to a photography business started with a love for pictures.  Then a few people asked me to take their pictures.  And, a few more people said "your pictures are really good!" And, you would think that was all I needed to hang out my virtual shingle on the world wide web, and set up shop!  But, MANY people take really good pictures.  What was going to set me apart?  What right did I have to call myself a "pro"?  And, other than taking really good pictures, did I know enough about all of the other aspects of photography to provide my hypothetical clients with quality images they would want to hang over the mantle for years to come? 

It took me several years to be able to answer these questions well enough to satisfy my own doubts.  And, when I look back, I  know it's a very good thing that I listened to myself!  What started as a small whisper has grown into a confident voice inside me that assures me I am a pro, set apart by the fact that I took the time to learn not only the fundamentals of a good photograph, or my camera manual, but how to take the SOOC (Straight out of Camera) image and edit it properly. 

Here is an image from my first "shoot" in November of 2009:

I still love the composition of this portrait and the spontaneous hug that shows just how much these boys love each other.  But, it's REALLY yellow!  I really loved oversaturating, apparently.  The colors are unnatural, and the boys' faces have a pink cast to them. 

I brought this picture out today and re-edited:

Wow!  So much better!  The grass is a more natural green; the boys' skin is more natural and the sled now stands out, instead of blending in with the stone wall.  I would be very proud to have that client hang this one over the mantle!

I haven't learned everything - I hope I never stop learning and growing!  My business and I are still a work in progress.  But, after taking a look back, I can be confident in moving forward.  

You may not be a photographer, but there is something you love to do, or create.  Have you taken a look back to where you started?  I hope so.  And, I hope you will celebrate just how far you've come!



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