Who Needed a Makeover? Me!!!

September 18, 2012  •  4 Comments

From the time I began to dream of having my own photography business, there had only been two names I considered.  And, when all was said and done, "Front Porch Photography" was the perfect choice.  I look at both of my children and know that their names suit them perfectly.  My business name is no different!  I believe it articulates the feelings and emotions I try to evoke in my portraits.

The "brand" for my business, however, is a different story.  Certain stores call to me when I shop for my son or daughter.  When they model the outfits I bring home, the style "fits."  And, friends and family know the style and are quick to say, "That outfit/shirt/skirt/etc. looks like you!" I appreciate that they can recognize me in my children.  Unfortunately, I didn't feel that way about the brand I had created for Front Porch Photography.  The design was exactly what I asked for, but it wasn't who I wanted my business to be!  So, after just a few months of being in business I contacted 2 companies and together, they put together a brand and logo that look like me!  I'm so excited to introduce you to the new Front Porch Photography!

Isn't it lovely?  It's clean, bright and classic - all of the things I hope you think of when you look at Front Porch Photography's portraits!  I am so thankful to Sarah Harris at Studio 160 Design for happily making ALL of my requested changes and for exceeding my wildest dreams!

And, my right-hand and biggest cheerleader in this business has been Kim Williman of Night Owl Custom Design!  She has created gorgeous custom templates and card designs for my clients.  But she has also redesigned my FB timeline cover and will be helping me rotate it on a more consistent basis to showcase more of my beautiful families! 

Oh, how I love this!  The colors are perfect and the portraits just pop!  This one will be around for a little while and then wait until you see what she has designed for the holidays!

As I write, my husband is upstairs in my studio spackling and sanding so that he can paint it this weekend.  Then, I'll be able to hang all of the portraits of YOU and the indoor studio will be open for business as well!  Can you guess what colors my studio will be???  Leave a comment for me:)  And, check back soon to see the before and afters of my studio!  I can't wait to share them with you!


Congratulations on the new look! :)
Kate Russell(non-registered)
Looks great Nic! Kudos to you and Kim!
Marie Hallameyer(non-registered)
I love it! It reflects the brightness that shines through you!
Julia Rochevot(non-registered)
I love the new design. It is what you always talked about. The rocker will come to symbolize you. I am so very proud for you and proud of how far you have come.
Luv ya!
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